The "centralized anything is evil by default, use defi and self-custody" ethos did very well this week, but remember that it too
16 Nov 2022, 14:04
The "centralized anything is evil by default, use defi and self-custody" ethos did very well this week, but remember that it too has risks: bugs in smart contract code.
Important to guard against it:
* Keep code simple
* Audits, formal verification, etc
* Defense in depth
Same news in other sources
116 Nov 2022, 14:59
RT @VitalikButerin: The "centralized anything is evil by default, use defi and self-custody" ethos did very well this week, but remember th…
RT @VitalikButerin: The "centralized anything is evil by default, use defi and self-custody" ethos did very well this week, but
RT @VitalikButerin: The "centralized anything is evil by default, use defi and self-custody" ethos did very well this week, but remember th…